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Map of the fishery at Littlestoke

The fishery is approximately 1.25 miles in length and is divided into two parts.  The biggest stretches from the entry gate at  the 1st meadow (Concrete Wall Swim) to the Railway Viaduct.  The other part is too the Right of the lane and is accessed via a Footpath to an Entrance Gate where there is a Bridge over a ditch.  The  section stretches the length of the field with several swims available to fish.

Work parties are carried out at intervals during the season when vegetation growth is at its strongest.

The stretch forms part of a working farm so please leave all gates shut where appropriate and respect the Bankside removing all litter when packing up.  On no account should Bankside trees or bushes be cut back without seeking prior permission to do so.

Fish can be caught from virtually any swim and matches are won from different pegs along the venue

Access to the venue is via the gravelled lane indicated.  Please respect the on the lane when accessing the venue.

Parking is as indicated on the map and cars should be parked on the verge so as not to block access to farm  vehicles using the lane.  It goes without saying that access gates should on no account be obstructed as they are in constant use.  The Club have a very good working relationship with the landowner and do not wish to jeopardise that by inconsiderate parking by anglers.

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